Refunds & Returns

Refunds & Returns:

You have the right to cancel your order and request a refund within 14 days of receiving your items. You have another 14 days to return the items once you have notified us.

To start a return, please email us. We’ll then provide you with instructions on where to send your package.

You will need to pay for any costs relating to the return shipping of the items unless the items are defective and/or damaged.

When returning goods please ensure the delivery method is secure (signature required) since the goods are the your responsibility until they have been received by us.

Items returned to us without us authorising a return will not be accepted.

Please do not send items back to the address listed on this website because we may require items to be returned directly to our supplier that they came from.

We will notify you once we have received and inspected your item(s), and we will advise you if the refund was approved or not.

If approved, you’ll be automatically refunded within 10 business days. It can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process your refund.

Please remember that:

  • To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unused and in its original packaging.
  • Please remember to inspect your order upon receipt and contact us within 48 hours if the item is defective and/or damaged.
  • Any refunds can only be issued to the same payment method which was used to place the order.